Question : 1-800-flowers lawsuit?
What do you think of a man getting divorced who sues 1-800-flowers for faxing his wife a copy of the receipt?#1) He didn't set up his own sole & separate account with an address where he lives apart from his wife, so 1-800-flowers had no way to know it wasn't ok to fax a copy of the bill to his home address#2) His attorney gets on the Today Show on national TV this morning and claims this mistake will cost him half a million dollars in spousal support. I keep asking why his attorney would publicly ask us to pity him. If it will cost him half a million on spousal support, then the man should have enough income to - live separately from his soon-to-be-ex - set up his own sole and separate credit card accounts - set up his own sole and separate account with 1-800-flowers - think before he acts While it will cause him distress in his divorce, why should 1-800-flowers pay part of his divorce costs? Didn't he get himself into the divorce without their help?Since he's well spoken, and appears intelligent, shouldn't he have been more careful to NOT get caught by his wife?Shouldn't he be able to take personal responsibility for HIS mistakes?
- asked by Nedra E
All Answers:
Answer #1 Yeah someone is angry because he screwwed up big and wants to blame someone else
for his problems, from what I can tell the woman is so much better off without
him - answered by cutie420311
Answer #2 about a frivolous law suit!! That's just crazy! - answered by frawlicious
Answer #3 Guess it'd have to be in America where the garbos will sue you for putting your
toenail clippings in the trash.... - answered by sportswriter47
Answer #4 i think its great he got busted! it his own doings not the flower company - answered by Alica
Answer #5 He's looking to blame someone other than himself, I guess. What an idiot! How
could 1-800-flowers possible be at fault?ALthough with the way this justice
system works, a good lawyer can probably get a settlement out of this. But it's
not the florists place to ask, (although this may be the case in the near future
if this goes through, like the "caution: Hot liquid" on the outside of McDonalds
coffee cups. Duh!) The florist is now going to have to ask if this is for you
wife or mistress, so they can cover their asses.This is stupid. This guy's
pissed becasue he got caught. - answered by Sean C
Answer #6 What a pathetic human being...I wouldn't of even bothered suing 1-800-flowers
for this it's his own fault he couldn't keep his dick in his pants...I have a
funny feeling that his wife wasn't so much mad that he had ordered flowers for
his slut but that he had a slut!!! This guy is a you he doesn't get
a cent from the company. - answered by Hollywood
Answer #7 hew'll get nothing if the credit card was in both names...his attorney is a
glory hound and in the end the guy will look stupid not only in his wifes eyes
but now the nation. - answered by meatmane8
Answer #8 You have lost sight of something. In today's world, everything that you have
mentioned is besides the point. This is a suit happy world that we live in
today. People can sue over literally everything and do. I suspect that this man
is less interested in what he will lose by divorce and more interested in what
he will gain to replace it through the suit. Case in point... Woman buys hot
coffee at McDonald's while driving a car, she spills it when placing it between
her legs. (Then collects money because even though she ordered hot coffee, the
cup didn't say "hot" on the outside. And wins!) Man climbs into bear pit at zoo
to retrieve a child's toy (Then sues when the bear bites his a s s. And wins!)
Regardless of how stupid these suits are (or the people making them), the point
is that until our courts waken up to these shysters, it will continue to get
more and more ridicules. The only thing that would make me feel any better with
the suit that you mentioned would be if the judge could order this man to
refrain from being with any women for the next 10 years! Maybe that would make
the guy actually think a little before suing anyone over such a stupid and so
obvious mistake on his part. - answered by pappysgotitgoinon
Answer #9 There is no way he will win the suit against 1-800-flowers. 1.) 1-800-flowers
has an obligation to their clients to deliver flowers etc and when payment and
delivery has been made to ensure a reciept is issued for that transaction. This
is a legal requirement for tax purposes. They have abided by their obligations
in respect for the transaction. 2.) 1-800-flowers is obligated when it comes to
accounts to notify all parties on the account to any purchases made on the
account. The way in which his wife found out he is having an affair has no
bearing on wether or not he has to pay spousal maintenance. His mistake has now
obviously caused him some embarrasement and he is looking for someone to blame
for him getting caught. He committed adultry. The courts don't look kindly on
that and the fact that he is now trying to blame someone else for his actions...
give him a shovel. He'll need it. - answered by Krysteena
Answer #10 Right after seeing he and his attorney on the today show, and right after
laughing uncontrollably, I asked a question about this myself. Lets see, he
cheats; he's dumb enough to leave a paper trail to his home; how is this dude
even smart enough to HAVE a half million. Did he inherit or what. Roflmho. - answered by wildhorseracelover
Answer #11 Typical male, lookin for someone else to blame - answered by
Answer #12 you are so right, he deserves to pay ouot, I hope he receives nothing from the
lawsuit. - answered by Mandy
Answer #13 This guy simply got caught cheating and now wants someone else to blame. The
smart cookie is his wife, who upon learning of his infidelity asked for more
money in her divorce settlement. Good girl. She deserves every dime she can
get out of this cheating loser. - answered by Alita C
Answer #14 I am amazed at how this message is extremely biased towards the man. I think
people should wait for the full facts of the case to come out before assuming it
was "his" fault.It does not appear he has done anything wrong as he appeared to
already be in the process of getting divorced from his wife and is allowed to
move on.In any case, if the company actually did promise not to send anything to
his home at the time he made his purchase, as the story states, then they have
broken their promise and privacy laws when sending information to a third party.
I say this as there is no indication so far that there was any kind of joint
account.To sum up the information so far, a male has placed an order and
requested no information be sent to his address, a thank you card was sent, a
female called back requesting more information and then all the details were
sent to her.I don't think this should be a 1 million dollar lawsuit but the
company certainly should take some responsibility for what I consider to be
their inappropriate actions based on what is known so far - which is not much! - answered by