Question : CUT FLOWERS:How do I prolong the life of sunflowers?
I just got some sunflowers. My vase is 12 inches high. How much water do I put in the vase? How often do I change the water? How do I prolong the life of the sunflowers? Does it help to put the stem in boiling water for 30 seconds? Do I cut the stem every time I change the water? What about sun and shade? I'm in an apt that is light but not sunny. Must I add anything to the water?
- asked by ataimadi
All Answers:
Answer #1 I'm not really sure but, I would suggest to do like you would with roses. I
always added an asprin in the water to prolong the life of the flowers and
changed the water every other day and yes, I did cut about an inch off the
bottom of the stem to help the flower drink the water in ther vase and added
another asprin. Good luck and I hope I helped you alittle. - answered by country girl
Answer #2 a little sugar to the water - answered by Jae
Answer #3 Change the water as needed, add an aspirin, trim the stem about an inch and put
it back in the vase. Be sure no leaves are submerged in the water. - answered by stixntwigs
Answer #4 cut the stem at an angle, it helps the plant to suck in more water so that the
stem isn't just flat on the bottom of the vase not being able to. And yes, cut
it anout half an inch each time you change the water. And add a baby asprin to
it. 80mg maybe? I would change the water every few days or so.. - answered by heather m