Question : Question about Orchids?
I usually water my orchids on Saturday (of course they are watered once a week) but last week I forgot to water it until Monday afternoon. About 2 days later one of the flowers started dying and now today 6 days or so later another flower is dying. So for those of you who really know your stuff on orchids, do you think that the flowers are dying because of my day and a half late of watering or do you think it was just its time to start losing its flowers for the season?
- asked by DL4evr
All Answers:
Answer #1 it is around the time that they start to loose their flowers however I would
water twice a week.It depends too if you have it planted outside or indoors. it
may need a bigger plant holder (root bound) or it may be to dry or you may need
new ground for nutrients and stuff. if out side it could be too dry or bugs
could be killing it. - answered by fire and ice
Answer #2 Don't fret, I grow Epidendrum and cymbidium orchids and they are dropping their
blooms now. It is the end of the blooming season for them. - answered by eskie lover