Question : When he receives flowers for his birthday, should he call the other day to say "thanx it was nice"?
He never calls to say thank you whenever I send him a present of flowers for his birthday.My friends tell me he cares for me (I believe that too) but he is just impolite. He does not think it is necessary to say thank you.What do you think? Is it or isn't it necessary to call back?
- asked by inotherwords
All Answers:
Answer #1 sounds to me like he knows he's got you rapped and is taking advantage of
that.He should call and say thank you for any nice thing you do for him.Some
guys just don't have a clue though. - answered by mygrandparentsrthebestintheworld
Answer #2 if he was any kind of self respecting man he would call and say thanks - answered by Howdy
Answer #3 I think he just doesn't know any better. If you really love him, you'll find
subtle yet effective ways the proper way of doing things.Say, for example,. he
receives a gift from an Aunt. That's a great opportunity to suggest to him that
he write a thank-you note or at least call her. If he resists, you can take
THAT opportunity to tell him that it's only proper courtesy that he acknowledge
a gift. And leave the fact that you gave him flowers out of it - for now. If
he starts thanking everybody BUT you, then it's time to address that
problem.Stop fishing for thank-yous for your gifts. It's selfish and it
diminishes the generosity of your gift. Like I said, it you want to change this
behavior, remove yourself from the equation. - answered by codename: MANDINGO
Answer #4 If you have said something to him regarding the issue and he still REFUSES to
say thank you, your options are to stop sending him gifts or accept that this is
how he is. - answered by Lov'n IT!
Answer #5 People want to receive a thank you after putting their thought, time and MONEY
into something. Not being able to pick up the phone to just say "I appreciate
your present" is just not acceptable.Stop sending him things if he can't thank
you.Does he send you things? - answered by katx0x
Answer #6 He should tell you "thank you". Maybe you should sit down with him and find out
exactly how he feels about you. Tell him that it hurts your feelings and that
it makes you feel unappreciated. If he shrugs it off, then move on, he is not
the one for you. Most guys (men) are self absorbed and clueless. Talk to him
first, make your decision from there.Good luck! - answered by ladonnasleather
Answer #7 You're sending a dude?He should thank you for gifts, in this age
of cell phones on the day of, But to be honest, I would be weirded out by
getting flowers, and I'd be worried thanking you for them would encourage it to
happen again. - answered by RED
Answer #8 Of course it is necessary to call back to say thanks. - answered by berry
Answer #9 He should, at the least, let you know he got them. You could say to him, "Did
you get the (item) I sent you? I want to be sure the XYZ store got it out." It
may eventually hit him that this is the nice thing to do, even if he can't spit
out the words thank you. Good luck. - answered by Book0602