Question : Do any guys out there like to receive flowers for Valentine's Day?
If so, are you a homosexual?
- asked by Sheepf*cker
All Answers:
Answer #1 I GUESS IM NOT A GUY - answered by vannie
Answer #2 yes and yesDragonWhat are you gonna get me.? - answered by Dragon.
Answer #3 Ya, they like Venus fly-traps!!! (Kincky) ;-) lol don't think thats
homesexual!!! ;-) - answered by JeSsE MoRgAn
Answer #4 I don't get anything for my husband for valentine's except maybe a card and his
fav candy or snack. We believe that it is a girl holiday and should stay that
way. - answered by luvmycrafties
Answer #5 i always enjoy flowers, and I am completely straight, tall, handsome, and
confident. I have nothing to prove to anyone and have nothing to hide. Flowers
are beautiful, and only a mentally ill person wouldn't like a flower. - answered by Randy