Question : Are magenta phalaenopsis orchids harder to care for than white phalaenopsis orchids?
Why? I really like the magenta ones, but they always die on me. The leaves all turn yellow and drop off. I think that it's from crown rot. This has happened thrice. The white ones seem hardier. I don't have any problems with them. Do they require different treatment? I'd like to hear from someone who has been able to successfully grow magenta phalaenopsis orchids. Please advise me. Thank you.
- asked by Philippe
All Answers:
Answer #1 I have several different kinds of Phals. I treat them all the same and get
blooms from all of them and they are still all alive after 4-5 years so far.I do
notice tho that the white seems to bloom longer and more continuously. It may
all depend on the particular cultivar you have as to how hardy they are, rather
than the color itself.Sounds like your magenta Phals may have had too much water
as well as crown rot. When I get orchids in plastic pots I repot them to clay
pots so that the potting medium doesn't stay wet too long. Plastic pots will
allow the potting medium to hold more water for longer. Once a week or so I soak
them in a shallow bucket of water for 1/2hr to an hr rather then water from the
top...that way I don't get water in the crown. If you mist them often and water
runs into the crown from that just tip the pot slightly and leave it for a short
time so that the water runs out of the crown. For extra humidity place a tray of
pebbles and water under the pot. Hope this helps. - answered by Michelle G