Question : Bleach for Cut Flowers?
I once heard that you should put a little bleach in the water for cut flowers, especially roses. Also a little sugar. If this is good advice how much should one use? Also I have an outdoor pond with water lillies and water irises. I have been adding bleach to control the algae. It doesn't seem to be hurting the plants. Any comments??
- asked by jer
All Answers:
Answer #1 No, instead drop an aspirin into the water. - answered by J.D.
Answer #2 Cut the stems at an angle and put immediatly into room temp water. The ends will
seal if you don't. IWarm water will blow open the flowers. Ice water for
tulips--they will last longer. I never used any of these additives. Plants and
cut flowers will last long if you enjoy them! - answered by magnamamma
Answer #3 Actually, 7-Up, or Sprite, or anything like that is little different from what
the florist will give you when you buy cut roses. They say you should cut the
stems underwater, but I don't know why. Take of an inch or two every few days
and they'll last longer. - answered by dderat