Question : Who supports these liars in the White House?
Do you remember Lawrence Lindsey? He was one of King George’s II economic policy advisor's and Director of the National Economic Council from 2001 to 2002. He was fired in 2002 after suggesting that the Iraq War would cost upwards of $200 billion. The official administration propaganda at the time said the war would cost $60 billion. They also said we would be greeted as liberators and showered with flowers.Mr. Lindsey was wrong. Congress has already appropriated $357 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, these cost are on top of the $400+ billion a year we already spend on defense.It gets worse. According to a new economic study by Joseph Stiglitz, a former Chief Economist of the World Bank and a Nobel Prize winner in economics, the future cost of our current war/occupation will be between $1 trillion to $2 trillion.This nation spent $800 billion adjusted for inflation to fight the war in Vietnam. However this isn’t the true cost of a war. An additional $1 trillion was spent on Veterans benefits and interest payments after the war.What does this mean to you and your family? It comes out to be about $19,600 per U.S. Household. That would have been enough to finance the shortfall in Social Security for 150 to 300 years.MarkiMarksgirl, you have no clue. none.Fighting "terrorists" in Iraq is a lie.Yes, I would rather fight them on my turf not like Vietnam. If you had even a samll clue you would already know Gorilla warefare can not be won. Of course those that send others to fight would not know. Are you even aware of the fact that a real "Terrorist" will not face you in a fight. They do their dirty work behind your back. Turn Off FOX and read some.Billy Billy, Billy, get a clue. It was public opinion against the War that got us out of Nam not Nixon. We then got rid of that crook. I'll bet you think it was Reagan who won the cold war also.
- asked by jl_jack09
All Answers:
Answer #1 I support them. - answered by Funky Phantom
Answer #2 I don't support them. I don't appreciate being lied to constantly among other
things. - answered by nico22
Answer #3 This administration has been effective at manipulating public opinion and
distracting people with wedge issues. It is because of pressure on Congressional
Republicans that Bush has been able to get away with all that he has but this
may be coming to an end. There was a recent poll that suggests people trust
Congressional Democrats more than they trust Bush with national security. - answered by
Answer #4 I completely support them. Yes the war has cost billions, but would you prefer a
war in OUR country?? Had Bush not sent troops to defend us there would have been
more terrorist attacks on the U.S. and ultimately war here on OUR land!!! Thank
you Bush for having the nads to stick up for our country and Thank you to the
brave soldiers who keep us safe. - answered by markimarksgirl
Answer #5 I do not support these neo con artists, and further more, I say that these
people are terrorists in their own right. Spreading terror amoung the american
people with the media and economic terror through strangling the poor and middle
class families of this country. Selling out the elder population with revised
medicare to give the Pharmacutical complex their reward for a job well done
supporting the bush family's illegal agenda. Terror through the mismanagement
and underfunding of fema and the resulting needless hardships that followed in
the gulf coast communities. Terror in the deceipt and misdirections of the war
on terror, baiting and switching us into a war that has nothing to do with
terrorists, wmd's or national security. - answered by gogo790
Answer #6 MOSTLY RICH LIARS - answered by jmhslh110
Answer #7 So you think a NEOLIB could do any better? Who escalated our involvement in
Vietnam? It was a NEOLIB. Who got us out of Vietnam? That would be Nixon. - answered by billyboy64
Answer #8 NO!!! This is the same evidence I have used in recent months for reasons NOT to
support the Iraq War. It gets worse friend.It seems that America's continued
interest in Iraq may have sparked a civil war for the "democratic" powers of the
Iraq country. Now, America must spend billions more in building a better Iraqi
military to avert any new war. This event continues to return again and again
for the US.Let's recall:1) The rebellion of US military forces in Mexico during
the early 20th century.2) The resistance of American diplomacy in the
Phillipines in 1898. (Imperialism)3)The disaster in Vietnam during the Nixon
administration.The results always ends with American taxpayers paying for the
problems that a Republican administration makes and the Democratic Party's
occupancy in the White House. Somehow (probably in 2009) America will once again
fix the problems that are prevalent now. But, our next problem will be Venezuela
as it continues to be a nuissance to our sphere of influence in the Western
Hemisphere. Just call this the Neverending Story. - answered by vwarnsley_05