Question : Best way to extend life of cut flowers?
I buy flowers for inside my home alot, but they never last long. What is the best trick to make them last much longer?
- asked by gary-b.rm
All Answers:
Answer #1 The first step is to use a clean vase. Wash the vase with hot soapy water, then
rinse thoroughly to eliminate bacteria and fungi. The next important step is to
prepare the flowers properly. If you purchase cut flowers, recut the stems
before you put the flowers in a vase. Do this by removing 1 to 2 inches of the
stem at an angle under water. You can recut the stems in a basin of water, or
even under running tap water. Another important step is to provide good water.
In most cases, cut flowers in arrangements collapse early because they are not
able to absorb enough water to keep them looking crisp and fresh. Recutting the
stems under water is important because it prevents air from getting into the
stems. It’s also a good idea to use hot (100 Degrees F) water in the vase.
Never use softened water in a vase, as it contains sodium, which is bad for cut
flowers. Hard water (which leaves white deposits in teakettles and on faucets)
is likewise bad for cut flowers. In such cases you may want to use demineralized
water, which you can purchase at a supermarket. - answered by JayNick
Answer #2 You can help your cut flowers for exactly 1 cent. Simply place a penny in the
vase before you put the flowers in. - answered by vmg_group